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Master Lighting Guide for Portrait Photographers, by Christopher Grey
Download Master Lighting Guide for Portrait Photographers, by Christopher Grey
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About the Author
Christopher Grey is the author of Creative Techniques for Nude Photography and Photographer's Guide to Polaroid Transfer. He lives in Minneapolis, Minnesota.
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Product details
Paperback: 128 pages
Publisher: Amherst Media, Inc.; 53381st edition (April 1, 2004)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1584281251
ISBN-13: 978-1584281252
Product Dimensions:
8.5 x 0.4 x 11 inches
Shipping Weight: 1.2 pounds (View shipping rates and policies)
Average Customer Review:
4.2 out of 5 stars
157 customer reviews
Amazon Best Sellers Rank:
#483,593 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)
Christopher Grey's "Master Lighting Guide for Portrait Photographers" is a well-written, easy to follow guide that does an excellent job describing how to set up your lights to achieve different effects when shooting portraits. The photos that he uses provide superb examples of the effects of changing both the power of the light as well as how different modifiers affect the final image.In this book, Mr. Grey begins with a quick lesson on the physics of light and basic lighting equipment. After that appetizer, he starts in with the real meat, discussing:1. Lighting ratios and how to represent them in a universal language that is easy to translate to actual flash settings2. Basic lighting, including broad lighting and short lighting3. Classic lighting, where he gives specific details on how to arrange your lights to achieve several classic looks such as loop lighting, closed-loop lighting, Rembrandt style, side lighting, and butterfly lighting.For each of these techniques, he presents lighting diagrams and sample "builds" to achieve the final product.Following the overview of the specific lighting techniques, he discusses "Portrait Lighting in Practice", where he covers numerous topics including business photography (such as head shots), applying makeup, location photography, bridal potraits, high-key lighting, any many other topics. Whereas the previous portion of the book was written for a universal audience, this section is tailored slightly to the aspiring professional photographer. As an amateur with a minimal set of equipment that I set up in my living room, I was able to appreciate and understand everything he discussed in this area of the book, but there are definitely topics that I don't expect to need. I would imagine that these topics would be of more value to someone looking to become a professional.I purchased the Kindle edition of this book for my iPad after reading my friend's copy of the physical book. The book presents nice, large, crisp photos that are extremely instructive. In the physical book, you can see the subtle differences that changing a light modifier or boosting the strobe a 1/2 stop has on the end photograph. In the Kindle edition, however, most of the photos are very small, grainy, and lose much of their value because they are so poor. Additionally, the layout of the Kindle edition is awful. For example, with the physical book, a page will show up to 8 different photos that allow you to compare the results of changes in light at a single glance. In the Kindle edition, however, there are at most 2 photos on a page, so not only can't you easily see the subtle differences in the photos all at once, but the text describing the differences is often 5 "pages" away. Finally, the Kindle edition conversion does not seem to be able to handle displaying fractions other than 1/2, as any time Mr. Grey uses a quarter-based fraction in his text (e.g. 1/4 or 3/4), all that you see in the Kindle edition is a square.One would think that when converting a book about photography, whose value is as much tied to the actual photographs as the content, that there would be an emphasis on great photos in the Kindle edition. Sadly, this is not the case. I do not know if Amazon or Amherst Media (the book publisher) is to blame, but the quality of the Kindle edition is really unacceptable and if I could return it I would. Perhaps I should take some of the blame for not downloading a sample of the book first, but, please Amazon, improve your Kindle editions of these books.
First of all, Chris Grey really knows what he is talking about.This book is well written. The layout is fantastic, he goes in depth with each chapter. Whether you are an experienced photographer or an beginner, I believe this book will help you increase your skills regardless. As he talks about different types of light, and different lighting techniques in depth, he also has great diagrams too help you understand better. Especially for those of us who need too visualize it. IF you choose too purchase this book, it will help you take your photography too the next level. This book was actually recommended too me from my mentor, and he was right too recommend it.
This book, and Chris Grey's DVD's (Shoot Smarter) are FANTASTIC!The easy to understand diagrams, the unique and creative techniques and the overview of styles is second to none...After buying this book on Amazon I was so impressed that I actually flew from California to Chicago to take a 4 day class from the author at Shoot Smarter University (Will Crocket's studio in Arora, IL).In all of my training, and with all my EXPENSIVE equipment purchases in camera equipment, NOTHING has improved my creative and technical output like Chris Grey's books, training, and videos...As I say to my friends, "I have drank the Kool-Aid that is Chris Grey's teaching and I am an evangelical believer in his techniques". I now have the confidence to shoot JPEGs and not worry about my "recovery" in PhotoShop!Other GREAT books by Chris Grey include Photoshop Effects for Portrait Photographers (Focal Press) and an up-coming book about Canon Cameras (Fall 07).HIGHLY reccomended!
To those with learning disabilities as myself, having suffered a stroke, that use visuals for their input, this book was excellent in all it's methodologies of teaching lighting techniques!First were the photos themselves, each was shown along with the lighting ratios, and the effect of the various lighting implements used for that particular mood or style of photo being expressed.Next was a series of photos taken with the same lighting ratio, but with different equipment, showing just how illuminating light can be, and how a Softbox, Umbrella, and what have you can change and influence just how mood and intensity are controlled.I highly recommend this book for it's excellence in handling the subject at hand...namely Portrait Lighting!
I bought this book thinking I would be able to easily set up a studio from it.I found this book extremely informative BUT on a medium to high-end level.It is not really a practical guide for the beginning photographer however, I am sure I will be refereing it to in the future.Chris Grey explains how he set up his lighting in order to get the shots he shows in this book.My problem was that most of his sets are based on the photographer buying many many different types of reflectors, lights and flags etc.He does not really explain the simple, beginners studio.He does not explain for low ceilings etc.He shows his shots and explains how he got them so if you have the same set up, the same size room etc, you too can reproduce these shots.While it is a well written book, I found it to be on a high level.If someone is already at this level of lighting equipment, then he already knows all the info on ratios Chris writes about.Great reference guide and enjoyable to read.Not for the beginner who wishes to use it as a guide to setting up his first studio.
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