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Product details
File Size: 7989 KB
Print Length: 138 pages
Page Numbers Source ISBN: 1631495542
Publisher: Liveright; 1 edition (March 19, 2019)
Publication Date: March 19, 2019
Sold by: Amazon Digital Services LLC
Language: English
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Amazon Best Sellers Rank:
#9,729 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)
Genesis is E.O. Wilson’s explicit effort to ground human culture in a scientific framework. Taking its title from the Bible, Wilson develops a theory of how eusociality has developed in a small number of species ultimately leading to intelligence in modern humanity. Though he seems more concerned to replace traditional religious explanations of human origins, I believe his theories are also an attack on postmodern theories of human culture.Essentially Wilson argues that eusociality, or the phenomenon of altruism among some members of a tribe, evolves because of a change from raising young who establish new colonies to raising young who stay in the same nest. This leads to genetic changes allowing for intra-group roles and some elements of the species to sacrifice personal reproduction for the good of the group. Thus, much of the book is devoted to detailing this phenomenon among insects and then following this with a similar speculation on the precursors of Homo Sapiens. The standard arguments for group selection, that it enables cooperative tribes to out-evolve uncooperative individuals, are discussed as well.Each reader can assess these arguments for themselves. Obviously group selection isn’t universally accepted among biologists and Wilson acknowledges that genetic eusociality among humans is arguable as well. But Wilson should be commended for, along with other writers, pulling evolutionary biology out of the ivory tower and seeing the full ramifications of these theories if they became part of the standard curriculum.The one hesitation about recommending this book is that it is more of an essay than a fully fledged work coming in at 125 pages. In addition, it ends abruptly with a reference to a scientific study. It’s not that having a proper conclusion is necessary, it’s that it’s a sign that the book is somewhat rushed and incomplete. I have to admit that after finishing I had to recollect the arguments dispersed throughout the book to make complete sense of it.All in all, however, it’s marked by Wilson’s typically clear prose and makes for a good read as well as an engaging argument. I personally came away less convinced than Wilson that modern biology has achieved a new Genesis but that’s merely a non-biologist’s opinion. Worthwhile reading for scientists, philosophers and anyone who is interested in the origins of humanity.
This survey requires of the reader a fairly detailed knowledge of the various species genera and families as well as some familiarity with the Eons and eras of the earth's history. The genetic exposition requires expertise and I was left with not knowing whether epigenetic expression was accounted for.
A quite succinct version of Wilson, but didn't deliver philosophically as intended. The science was there, but the ending felt abrupt as he didn't conclusively close his beginning remarks.
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